A list of facts regarding the current state of my world.

I haven’t had any real grand ideas about things to blog about, so I thought I’d just give a few snippets of what’s up with us.

*Evelyne’s gone to bed later than normal a LOT lately due to special occasions, so she thought it’d be a good idea to start waking-up earlier than normal as well.  This morning was 6:15, so I’m just praying she won’t keep pushing it earlier and earlier.  (She woke-up at 5:30 every morning for months, so I’ve done my early morning duty with this child!  At least it’s not dark now like it used to be when I woke-up!)

*Her favorite thing is to dance.  And I do mean dance.  That girl can really shake it!  I don’t know where she picked this up, I certainly didn’t teach her, but all it takes it a little, “Go, Evy, go Evy!” and she starts droppin’ it like it’s hot.  (actually I haven’t taught her that yet, but it’s next.)  She also likes to spin in circles, get dizzy and fall-down, get-up and keep spinning.  It’s hilarious. 

*Her other favorite thing is to sit on my lap, facing me, and blow raspberries in my face until I’m covered in her spit.

*Clay’s on his second-to-last week at his last rotation and will graduate physical therapy school at the end of this month!  Hooray!!!  In three months we will actually receive a paycheck!

*I’m starting to notice more and more humidity in the air every day, and I’m growing increasingly resentful about it.  I HATE Southern summers.  Hate them. 

*Evelyne’s starting to get really heavy, and carrying her down two flights of stairs and across a parking lot every time I want to leave my apartment is getting really OLD.  And climbing in the backseat of my two-door car to strap her in the carseat really isn’t so fun either.

*I’m contemplating if I want to go pale and subtle or bold and vibrant for my first application of summer toenail polish.  Decisions, decisions. 

*I’m loving the new episodes of Desperate Housewives, Lost, The Office, and Grey’s Anatomy.  Thank goodness good tv is back!!!!

*I’m a little more tired lately.  I’ve been napping when Ev does in the afternoons, had a great long nap today.  I’m pregnant!   

14 responses to “A list of facts regarding the current state of my world.

  1. How wonderful, Emily! Keep taking those long naps!


  2. Congrats Em!! I heard the wonderful news from Bubs and Jo. We are so excited for you guys!


  3. CONGRATS!!! that is so exciting! awww Ev is a big sister.. cute.


  4. YOU CRAZY WOMAN!!! I am so happy for you guys. Ev will be such a good big sister! Oh Lordy, I can’t wait to hear the updates! How far along are you?


  5. I’m barely along, we just found-out on Sunday, so almost five weeks! I’m still pretty paranoid about miscarrying and the pregnancy thing isn’t real yet, but we’re excited! =)


  6. Wonderful news! I’m SO excited for you!!!! YAY! That sleepy phase has to be tough when you’re chasing a toddler all day. Praying for all 4 of you!


  7. hey emily….i found your blog through courtney and have been keeping up w/ you and your family. first off congrats on the wee one growing in your tummy…what a blessing to be prego again. second, i have to know what you did to cure that early rising thing that you said evelyn did for so many months. my 10 month old insists on being up at 6am, sometimes before that no matter what time i put him to bed. on very rare occassions we get to 6:15ish. just curious…i’m desperate to cure this tough habit. thanks.


  8. WHAT??? congrats- i’m so excited for you- so how far along?? oh- you said- 5 weeks. fun times. get naps when Ev does- and ENJOY it. i have 2 climbing on me right now. love you!


  9. elizabeth cameron

    Congratulations! We will definitely be praying for you. So FUN!!


  10. Congratulations Emily! I picked a great first day to stop by your blog!

    Thanks for visiting me at MOMformation 🙂


  11. WHOA…so I’ m reading. I’m reading. I’m reading…

    Then I get to the end of the post and you announce the preggers…I’m so gonna do that when my time comes! 🙂

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Wow, we (as in you & Clay, me & Chris–not you and me) were married a week apart and now look at us. You were one week ahead of me in marriage, now two children ahead of me 🙂


  12. WHAT?!?! So I have never read your blog before. I am here alone… steve out of town and amelia asleep. Thought I would read a few friends’ blogs and lo and behold!!!!! So glad I chose to catch up on blogs rather than channel surf!!! Congratulations!!!!


  13. Congrats, congrats!! Very exciting! I’ll pray for a healthy Mom and Little One! 🙂


  14. Congratulations! I’m new to your blog – saw you had visited my briefly (or someone from this site!) http://www.happilysaving.wordpress.com Evelyn is the same name we hope to use for a girl one day, Evelyn Grace. I saw a movie where the main character was Evy and just loved the name. Gosh – I love the movie but mommy brain has set in and I can’t remember it!


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