Tag Archives: memphis


So, I’m down to almost my last 24 hours here in Memphis.  I’ve already said most of my good-byes and cried several times.  Clay’s on the road and probably will reach Seattle sometime tonight (a full 24 hours earlier than his projected timeframe!!! He’s a driving machine!)  Tomorrow I’ll be running some errands while my mother-in-law watches Ev, packing and cleaning during naptime,….. then my grandmother is coming over to spend time with Ev while I start dinner.  Then some close friends are coming to spend the evening with me for my last night in Memphis.  And then I fly-out Friday morning.  

I’m a bit nervous about the flight since it’ll be Evelyne’s first time to fly and I don’t know what to do with her for 4.5 hours.  I didn’t buy her a seat, so she’ll have to sit in my lap, but thankfully we have a window bulkhead seat, so she should have a little room to stand-up and play.  Right now I’m just praying for some understanding and patient people who like kids to sit next to me!!!!   I’m going to the Dollar Store tomorrow to buy her some little toys to play with, and we have a few new books.  I just hope she doesn’t get too crazy!

The forecast for Kirkland on Friday is some rain and a high of 65 degrees.  65 DEGREES!!!!!  It’s been in the high 90’s here lately with the heat index way over that!!!   I’ve been MELTING all summer, and all it’s gonna take is one plane ride for me to get to a 30 degree temperature drop!  I can’t WAIT.  

However, the big negative is that our moving company (bad decision, that moving company.  Long story, but it involves a pricing scam and a final total that was twice the amount of what was estimated….Let’s just say that before you attempt a cross-country move, check-out http://www.movingscams.com and make sure your moving company isn’t blacklisted!) told me that our stuff won’t be delivered until the end of next week.  So, basically we’ll be living in an empty house for about a week.  I think we have almost everything we actually need since Clay is driving our loaded-down car and we’ve been living out of a suitcase for a month anyway.  But my gosh, a WEEK in an empty house?  It could be worse, and it’s really possible that it might be worse if they don’t come through like they say they will (really, nothing will surprise me anymore), so I’m trying to have a positive outlook on things.  

So.  The next time I blog I might be a Washingtonian rather than a Memphian.  Sad.