I’ve been a lazy lazy blogger

Not much in the creative or deep-thinking department happening with me this week.  It actually feels like I’ve had one big long 10-day week since I didn’t really get a weekend break.  Clay took his first NAIOMPT class last weekend which was all-day Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday.  Then he went straight back to work on Monday.  And this week his schedule is super-full, so he’s been working late.  (Got home last night at 10—we’re talking 15 hr. workday, good grief!)  So, no break for either one of us!  Looking very forward to this weekend!!!!

Also, this week is the start of my brand-new Fall activity schedule.  For a boring homebody mom like me, this is totally different, but I think it’ll be good for both of us.  On Thursdays I’m starting a MOPS class with some friends who invited me to join, and on Tuesdays I’ve actually landed myself a miniscule part-time job. I haven’t been employed in almost two years, but we’re definitely running low on the cash since the move sucked us dry and left us for dead, so I found a small job that will give us a little bit of money for Christmas presents.  Coincidentally, it’s also with MOPS.  I’ll be working as a childcare worker every week for 3 hours in the two year-old room, and Evelyne gets to come with me.  The best part is probably the fact that it gets us out of the house and gives her a chance to play in a new environment with other kids.  I’m realizing more and more lately that she is a much more on-the-go type of girl than I am, so I’m trying to go out of my way a bit to accomodate her.  I’m happy to stay home all day, she’s begging me to go outside and get in the car to go bye-bye from the time she wakes-up until she goes to sleep at night.  So I think she’ll enjoy the fact that when you throw-in playgroup and regular errands throughout the week, our days will be a lot more full this Fall.

Right now she’s lying in her bed (I should specify that it’s the pack-n-play she’s been sleeping in for months since our crib was recalled and we JUST received the voucher for a new one the other day) singing and talking.  (NOT sleeping.)  I’m sure sometime in the next ten minutes she’ll stand-up and start yelling at me, and I’ll have to go in and rock her again.  Oh well.  At least the next hour and a half or so will be MINE.  Couch, here I come!!!!!

3 responses to “I’ve been a lazy lazy blogger

  1. hey!
    hope you like MOPS! i was in a group in GA and just started one here. i met some wonderful ladies in GA that really helped me get adjusted to a new place.
    i can definitely sympathize with you with clay working all the time. there are many days i feel almost like a single mom due to nathan’s demanding ER schedule. i’m so glad he’s almost done with residency!


  2. Glad to know my daughter isnt the only one who cries to go bye bye in the car. I try to get out of the house first thing in the morning that way I can come home and crash the rest the day and they will sleep a great nap. GL!


  3. Hi! I’m a PT from Brazil and maybe you think why I’m here. I found your blog at google when I looking for courses from NAIOMT.
    You talking that your husband started course at NAIOMT and I wanna do this couse may be next year. I’m just make friends. Sorry, for the english mistakes.


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