Updated Blogroll

OK, people, just wanted to point-out a small change in the site.  I did a major update to my blogroll, thanks to being called-out by JR for not having him on it.  I deleted some blogs that I no longer read and added several that I have been enjoying lately.  I also added a new section specifically for my friends’ blogs.  Since I started this one, many of my friends have either started new blogs or I just discovered them, and hardly any have been represented on my blogroll.  So sorry.

SO, if you’re lookin’ for some good reading, I guarantee much can be found in my newly updated blogroll.  And please let me know if I’m totally missing-out on someone great because I’m always on the lookout.

5 responses to “Updated Blogroll

  1. tear.. tear…

    I will have to find something else to aspire to now.


  2. I guess I didn’t make the list…


  3. so, i updated my blog the other day just for you and now i don’t even make the list…huh!


  4. OK, Jon and Katie, made some updates.


  5. So easily forgotten…… although I can’t say our blog is terribly exciting.


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